Ultimate guide to printer cartridges

Are you searching for printer cartridges? The idea of a paperless office has been around for a long time, but despite many businesses moving in this direction, printed material is still popular. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find an office without a printer. This means that you need to purchase at least one printer cartridge on a regular basis, but what type of cartridge and where’s the best place to buy them?

Laser and Inkjet printer cartridges

The two most popular types of printers are laser printers and inkjet printers. The big difference between these printers is that inkjets use ink to print your documents, so you need to purchase ink printer cartridges. On the other hand, whilst a laser printer uses a laser to print documents, you need to purchase a laser toner, not an ink cartridge.

How do inkjet printer cartridges work?

When you print a document using inkjet printer cartridges, thousands of ink droplets are sprayed onto the paper, as the paper is moved past the inkjet nozzles. These nozzles are attached to a printhead that moves from left to right across the paper to create your document.

How do laser toner cartridges work?

With a laser printer, lasers transfer your text or images onto a metal cylinder called a drum. Static electricity then attracts the powered toner from the cartridge to the drum which then rolls over the paper to print your document. The print is actually created by melting the toner onto the paper.

What type of printer cartridge do you need?

If you have an inkjet printer, then you need to buy an inkjet printer cartridge and if you have a laser printer, then you need to buy a toner cartridge. However, one big mistake that people often make is that they don’t check the model number of their printer or cartridge. That’s because each type of cartridge is different and they might not work for your printer.

Obviously, you can’t fit an inkjet cartridge into a laser printer and vice versa, but at the same time, you can’t fit just any cartridge into your printer. Some cartridges are designed to fit multiple different model printers, but you still need to make sure that it fits your printer. So check the unique cartridge or printer model number and then match this to the printer cartridge you need, before adding it to your online shopping cart.

Another choice you need to make when buying printer cartridges is whether to purchase the standard size or the high capacity option. The difference is that the high capacity cartridges provide a much cheaper cost per print than the standard option (saving up to 30% on operating costs), even though they cost more than the standard printer cartridges initially.

Standard vs high capacity cartridges

All the major brands offer high capacity cartridges (unless you have a very old printer), so you should have no problems finding one that suits your model printer.

For help selecting the right printer cartridge for your printer, call us on 1300 465 725 or send us an email.